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Non-biting flies, such as houseflies, are not only nuisance pests, but they are also responsible for transmitting diseases and contaminating food. For instance, flies are capable of contaminating food and transferring more than 100 pathogens, including malaria, salmonella and tuberculosis. Food contamination is one of the main reasons that fly pest control is so important.

The house fly is the most common fly found in and around homes. It has a worldwide distribution and is prominent in the United States. House flies have short lifespans, but they can quickly reproduce in large numbers, leading to large house fly populations if not identified and effectively controlled.

Fruit flies get their common name from their small size and fondness of some fruits. Small fruit flies are nuisance pests, but may act as disease vectors.

Horse flies likely received their common name because they are notorious pests of horses and other mammals. They are commonly found in both suburban and rural areas near bodies of water, which serve as breeding sites, and where mammal hosts are most abundant.

The house fly is the most common fly found in and around homes. It has a worldwide distribution and is prominent in the United States. House flies have short lifespans, but they can quickly reproduce in large numbers, leading to large house fly populations if not identified and effectively controlled.